New Year Plans

It’s the new year! Everyone wants to have a fresh and exciting change in the new year. Generally these changes are related to health. You want to look better, feel better, be skinnier, be healthier, have more energy, get healthy so you can have a baby, reach new fitness goals etc. 

A lot of times these courageous ambitions jump into our minds around the holidays which leaves us little time to prepare. If we do have time to prepare it can be hard to know where to start.  Which diet is the best?  What workout routine is the best? What should I do to become healthier?  What is my goal size? What weight is the healthiest? 

You probably have so many questions that you either don’t do anything, or you just do the first thing you think of.  A lot of times this can end in, no progress, training your body and mind that workout and diet are torture, or just getting sick of what you decide to do. Therefore you end up in a worse place than where you began.  

Make things more simple.  Make an educated decision on what is best for you and plan out a way to incorporate this into your daily routine. 

This year I’m offering a local support group/class to help you gain some good habits and understanding on how to make simple lifestyle changes. 

Here’s a secret.  There is one thing that is not making anyone healthier, it’s not helping anyone get towards their goals, it’s not making anyone feel better in the long run….here’s a hint, it’s white and granulated.  SUGAR.  

Since this is something that can apply the same way to everyone (i.e. it’s harming everybody) here is where I’m starting off for the first month of the new year. 

  1. Quit all forms of sugar for 21 days to reset your habits.  
  2. Learn how to transform your body into a fat burning machine.  I’ll be teaching about this in one of the 4 consecutive classes.
  3. Learn how gut bacteria contributes to whether or not you struggle with sugar cravings.
  4. Practice using healthy fats and starchy veggies in your cooking. The potluck dinner on the last day of class (January 31st) is going to be a great time for this. 
  5. Incorporate healthy sugars (honey, maple syrup, coconut sugar) back into your diet after your 21 day sugar detox.  

If you are local to the Bismarck area you can find more details for the group that I’m hosting on my local events page here

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